Friday, March 30, 2007

What Made the Republic Work?

Some may wonder how the Republic was able to eliminate poverty. Using a technology call Mechanically Assisted Spell Casting or M.A.S.C. Masc works by storing basic magical energy channeled by a wizard or sorcerer in a device called a magical capacitor and using machines to complete the casting so that anyone can have access to powerful magics. Normal wands or Rods store specifically tagged magic for the casting of specific spells. The masc breakthrough allows one to store magical energy before it is tagged allowing it to be used for multiple applications. The Masc device that eliminated poverty in the Republic of Corant was the Conjuration Cubicle which allows non-magically inclined to conjure specific objects such as food using stored magical energy. This technology broke down when Illephor sanctioned the use of all Masc technology for the creation of the Spire.

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