Friday, March 16, 2007

My First Mod

The first mod in my series will feature exploring a range of mountains in an attempt to find an alternate route from one town to another. Without giving away too much here are some early screen shots of the first outdoor area. I haven't added trees yet as I am going to have to either cut each one individually out of the area walk-mesh or find a plug-in that does it for me and due to the recent release of the 1.05 beta patch I anticipate that some of the plug-ins will no longer work right so I am waiting for the full 1.05 patch to be released before starting to put trees in the areas. Also some of these shots are from before I began putting in grass but they still give a feel for my area design.
The one problem I am having is with the draw distance because sometimes you can see the sky then as you walk forward a huge mountain appears out of the sky and blocks it. I am hoping there is a way to use fog to block the sky out or perhaps just using the horizon pieces will do it but they don't look all that great yet and always appear at the same height no matter how high you climb in the area.
Later I will post more on the backround story to this world and give more screen-shots as they come.


Unknown said...

Really pretty areas, like the sunset picture a lot. For the fog, just edit the fog and farplane settings under the Day/Night stages in your Area properties window. You can make the farplane a whole lot longer there (like 10x longer than default) and also make the fog help block the skyline some.

As far as the skyline not moving on the b/g set pieces, they really wouldn't even if you changed height in real-life. If there are a set of smaller mountains in the distance, as I climb up higher they would be below me. Or are you saying that as you climb up higher they stay on the horizon and rise with you?

Aranen Zen said...

Yes the horizon climbs with you. I was originally using the forest one in the south but when I climbed the largest mountain in the area it was still in the same place on the horizon which totally breaks the idea of having a large mountain. Thanks for the tips on the fog settings.

Anonymous said...

Good words.