Sunday, December 16, 2007

World Map Coming Along Good

Well I am getting better at adding in details. This is what I have done so far. Still haven't figured out how to save a closer zoom so you probably can't see it in the same detail I can in CC3 but here it is.
More later.

First look at Isorropia World Map

Today I received CC3 Campaign Cartographer as a gift from my girlfriend. Though I am far from mastering its use I have managed to create a rough outline of Isorropia. I started filling in terrain and had problems so this picture is of just the shape of the landmasses. More to come in a day or two.
After filling in some detailed terrain in the area where the first module is taking place I tried to highlight, copy, and paste the area into a new map so that I could begin learning how to make a world map using the toolset but the highlighted square became part of the map and copypaste did nothing. I think that I used the wrong tool and the square was actually a drawing tool and not a highlighter. This is what I got and I can't figure out how to get rid of it.
I am pretty happy with the shape of the continents so I think I will keep working off the original map until I get better at adding in the details.