Sunday, February 10, 2008

Its Alive!

I got it working. Windows is installed. All my drivers for the various hardware parts are installed. It is running super cool. After try NWN2 for about 15 minutes the processor was still only at 26c and the graphics card that used to run at a straight 70c is running at about 49c. I did have a few little hiccups getting it to work but it wasn't to hard to figure out. More about that later. Here are some pics of it in action.

The DVD burner/drive I cannibalized from my old computer has a rounded front which prevents me from closing the upper door but I will eventually replace it with another. Also the floppy drive I cannibalized from an even older computer didn't work but I only put it in in case I ever had to flash the bios. That can be done from a usb drive anyway. Bottom line is it works and its way faster than my last one. Plus I made it myself.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Attention please!
->> Remove Viruses! <<-

Anonymous said...

See Here or Here

Celeste said...

hey, how are you? Congrats on the working machine, I wish I knew how to do that, my laptop is driving me nuts in so many ways.